Cooking up new incentives at The Element

The Element Condominiums

Back in December, we noted the exhaustive list of special features and incentives offered to condo buyers at The Element Condominiums at 2124-30 N California Ave in Logan Square. Since that time, the list of incentives has actually gotten longer: For the next two units that are sold, garage parking (normally an extra $14,900) will be included for free.

Of all the incentives, however, the one Valdir Barion seems to enjoy the most is the “barbecue package gift,” a set of grilling tools that residents can use on The Element’s three rooftop barbecue areas. (It’s a green roof, by the way).

“You get your own grill tools, so that if you’re barbecuing and you’re a vegetarian, you’re not going to have use something that has touched meat,” says Barion, the founder and managing broker of Link Builders and Development.

Ten of the building’s 30 pre-construction units have already sold. A duplex, a one-bedroom, and 18 two- and three-bedroom condos are still available.

According to a price list on The Element’s Web site, the remaining units range from the $310s to the $450s. The sole remaining one-bedroom condo is listed at $145,500 due to Chicago Partnership for Affordable Neighborhoods (CPAN) financing, although some of the special incentives are not included for CPAN units.

Construction is set to begin in the first week June, and Barion expects the building to be ready for deliveries in July of 2009.

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