Sales update: Lake Park Crescent sales at 50-percent mark, deliveries underway

Lake Park Crescent

Speaking of Lake Park Crescent (ahem), the first phase of market-rate homes at the neighborhood-sized project in North Kenwood-Oakland is about half sold, according to sales associate Robbi Davis. Construction recently wrapped on some of the project’s single-family townhouses (seen above), and those homes will start delivering this month. Some are still available starting in the $690s, she says.

Lake Park Crescent’s stock of “CityHomes” – three-bedroom duplexes and one-bedroom, single-floor condos – start in the $190s and are ready for occupancy. Several two-bedroom / 2.5-bath duplexes in the development’s six-flats are also available for the $520s or higher and will start delivering in August.

Since most of the unsold homes are already built out or are nearing completion, buyers won’t have much control over the look of their kitchens and bathrooms. Davis believes that won’t be a problem for most people, as the package of finishes developer Draper and Kramer put together for the homes is already “fully loaded” with things like granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances.

Draper and Kramer is also offering to take $10,000 to $20,000 off of closing costs depending on the type of home purchased, according to the Lake Park Crescent Web site.

Buyers started moving into their Lake Park Crescent homes about 90 days ago, Davis says. The project’s master plan calls for even more market-rate construction, although Draper and Kramer will not be building those homes, Davis says.

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