Neighborhoods for the rest of us — Randolph Market

Marche Restaurant, Randolph St, Chicago

The Randolph Market neighborhood, a part of Chicago’s West Loop, runs along Randolph St (150 N), from Desplaines St (630 W) west to Ogden Ave, in ZIP codes 60607 and 60661.

Once a center for the distribution of fresh produce and other food products, it’s undergoing a transition — or so a lot of building owners hope — to a retail / restaurant hub. In the meanwhile, it’s a great place to be if you’ve got a taste for urban grit, and prefer your Toyotas to be forklifts rather than hybrids.

See 79 photos of Randolph Market in YoChicago’s Flickr album, or view them as a slideshow. And, if you have a few hours to while away, you can sample over 5,000 YoChicago images of nearly 100 neighborhoods at Flickr.

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