New homes are selling well in West Bucktown

Earlier today I walked through a beautiful new home at 1738 N Rockwell, in the neighborhood that Realtors have been calling “West Bucktown.”

I’ve long been a skeptic of the “West Bucktown” name, but it appears that local residents and home buyers have been adopting it. That, at least, is the take of Melissa Govaderica, a real estate agent with Sergio & Banks.

I’d also long been skeptical (video) of applying the name “Bucktown” to a stretch of Wicker Park and Logan Square – and we all know how that turned out. In Chicago, traditionalists don’t get to dictate neighborhood names: neighbors do.

In the video Melissa tells us that she’s sold 15 newly-built homes and condos in West Bucktown within the past 12 months. That, in my mind, is a phenomenal number, given current market conditions. In a later video I’ll take you through a 3-5 bedroom, 3 ½ bath home priced under $800K and it becomes easier to understand why some homes are selling even in a market that’s been depressed.

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