Search the Chicago MLS — and get suckered

If you didn’t know better — and nothing on the site helps you know better — you might think that was the Web site for “the Chicago MLS.”

Well, it’s not, and we’re not quite sure what it is, beyond a fountain of misinformation about Chicago neighborhoods.

The domain name is registered to the same address as a local real estate firm that goes under the name of DreamTown. DreamTown and the site have almost identical search pages.

One might assume from this that there’s a connection between DreamTown and the site. But that can’t be — because the Internet advertising rules under the Illinois Real Estate License Act would require that connection to be clearly disclosed, and there’s no clue on the site as to who is behind it.

Who is behind it, we wonder? You should too before giving up any personal information to the site. Or better yet, visit a reputable broker’s site for your MLS search. They’re out there.

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