Tag: Apartment finders

Top 5 Reasons to Work with Chicago Apartment Rental Brokers
Some apartment rental brokers, also known as locators or finders, may suggest that it's difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating to find a suita [...]

Chicago Residential Group – renters beware
We've been a keen observer of Chicago's rental service industry for many years, and have yet to see a single company that consistently operates wi [...]

How to get the worst deal on a Lincoln Park or Lakeview apartment
If you're apartment hunting in the prime near-lakefront areas of Lincoln Park or Lakeview, working with one of Chicago's apartment finders (a/k/a [...]

Rental services are a bad bet for Lincoln Park and Lakeview East apartments
If you're looking to rent in a prime near-the-park location in Lincoln Park or Lakeview East, the worst mistake you can make is to work with one o [...]

Is your rental service agent a convicted criminal?
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation ("IDFPR") is responsible for licensing real estate professionals. In our judgment [...]

Money-saving tips re the length of your lease
Apartment communities try to maximize their rents – no surprise there. One element in rent maximization is timing lease expirations into periods o [...]

Is North Star leasing agent Zach Gotkin ripping off Uptown renters?
In a previous post we noted that we consider North Star Real Estate Group's Zach Gotkin an abusive liar.
Gotkin had 1,602 abusively repetitive [...]

April 1 is Chicago Apartment Locators Day
Last April 1, after outing a career criminal working as a leasing agent, we abandoned our practice of writing hoax posts on April Fools' Day, post [...]

Daniel Zager, scofflaw agent at Chicago Apartment Leasing Group
My attention was drawn to Daniel Zager when I saw copyrighted photos I'd shot in an ad he'd placed for a property that doesn't allow brokers to ad [...]

Chicago Property Genius, bait-and-switch scofflaws adopt a new name
It’s been nearly two years since we’ve written about the prolific Craigslsit apartment ad spammers at State Street Properties.
Since our post [...]

Zach Gotkin at North Star Real Estate Group is an abusive liar
As of this morning Zach Gotkin at North Star Real Estate Group had 1,257 abusively repetitive ads online at Craigslist. Four days ago he had 1,602 [...]

Craigslist’s worst apartment ad spammer – less spam but just as toxic
When we began our recent spate of posts on Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), back on March 11, twenty-two of the firm’s agents had just over 7,0 [...]

Michael Longo, scofflaw apartment spammer, North Star Real Estate Group
A mere four agents at North Star Real Estate Group had over 4,100 apartment ads active on Craigslist yesterday evening. Three of them accounted fo [...]

Are all Craigslist ads from the scofflaw-family Walker scofflaw ads?
Chicagoland Property Group’s scofflaw-family Walker is vomiting up about 1,000 fewer active spam ads at Craigslist following our posts on Joi Walk [...]

Cassi Norman and the scofflaw-family Walker, an update
Six members of a single family hold real estate licenses affiliated with Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), a firm we’ve singled out as Craiglist [...]

An urgent warning to Chicago renters and property managers re Zumper and RadPad
For years now, Chicago property managers have taken a lax approach to the well-known, rampantly illegal behavior of Chicago rental services. They’ [...]

Erin Harper, scofflaw leasing agent at Chicagoland Property Group
Her name is Erin Harper, but we’ll call her “Erring Erin Harper,” because erring seems to be her core competency.
Erring Erin is affiliated wi [...]

Michael Hawks, scofflaw leasing agent at Chicagoland Property Group
Michael Hawks is the second most prolific ad spammer at Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG”), a firm that we’ve called Craiglist’s worst apartment a [...]

Stephen Seitz, scofflaw leasing agent, Chicagoland Property Group
Chicagoland Property Group’s (“CPG”) Stephen Seitz had 706 repetitive apartment ads at Craigslist yesterday, a third-place tally at the firm we’ve [...]

Jon Zolecki, Chicagoland Property Group, Scofflaw Leasing Manager
With 1,134 ads, Jon Zolecki is the top dog of individual apartment ad spammers at Craigslist. He’s a standout at Chicagoland Property Group (“CPG” [...]