Tag: Little Village

The world is watching YoChicago videos
YouTube Analytics tells us that less than 75% of our video views originate in the United States. So far this year YoChicago videos have been watch [...]

What Yo’s YouTube visitors have been watching
If you asked me to guess the three most-watched YoChicago videos during the last 30 days, I'd have guessed wrong on all of them.
YouTube Analy [...]

Affordable loft apartments planned for South Lawndale
Storkline Furniture was once one of the nation's largest manufacturers of infant and child furniture, but its sprawling factory at the bleak weste [...]

The outdoor art scene in Lawndale
Yesterday's travels found me shooting video at a rental high-rise in the South Loop, viewing lofts in University Village, and checking out the out [...]

Politicians and gangs – Uptown, Little Village and more
The January 2012 issue of Chicago Magazine features an important article for anyone interested in Chicago's neighborhoods – Gangs and Politicians: [...]

YoChicago’s most popular videos for the last 30 days
YoChicago's videos at YouTube were watched more than 55,000 times during the past 30 days. Our video at the Home Alone house, featured above, rece [...]

Comment of the day – corn, cocaine and dropouts on Little Village’s 26th Street
Our video of a drive down 26th Street in Little Village has generated more than 15,000 views and scores of comments at YouTube – many of them sugg [...]

Quote of the day – Latin Kings, like tulips
Did you buy a home while the snow lay heavy on the ground following this winter’s blizzard?
Rob and Amy Castaneda, a heroic couple who live in [...]

Our other top video — a Little Village drive
Joe Zekas' Block 37 walk-through may have been the most-viewed video on our YouTube channel in 2010, but it actually dates back to late 2009. The [...]

A Pilsen and Little Village Christmas carol
Santa and the elves from RAN Chicago visited City Hall before Christmas to bestow candy canes on aldermen who supported the Chicago Clean Power Or [...]
$55K goes missing; zoning change expected in Little Village
The subplots and twists are mind-splintering in David Roeder's report on a proposed not-a-flea-market at 3200 S Kedzie in Chicago's Little Village nei [...]

The homes and side streets of Little Village
After running out of shops to look at along 26th Street, I spent the rest of my time in Little Village driving around some of the residential street [...]

A drive down West 26th Street, the heart of Little Village
Join me for a drive west along 26th Street, the heart of commerce and community in the predominantly Mexican neighborhood of Little Village. The imp [...]
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