The highs and lows of renting in Chinatown

When Tina first moved from Hyde Park to Chinatown to live with her sister and save money on rent, she had nothing but positive things to say about the move. “There’s plenty of great take-out, I’m closer to downtown and the North Side, and the rent is cheap,” she said. Her portion of the three-bedroom was costing her just $375 a month, compared to $450 for a comparable room in Hyde Park. Six months later, the commute to Hyde Park to work at the Medici Bakery had begun to wear on her, she lamented the lack of a convenient grocery store in the area, and she had eaten enough egg foo young to last a lifetime.

Trying to get a gauge on just how cheap rent can be in Chinatown, our usual quick search came up pretty slim: fewer than 13 listings, compared to the mile-long list in larger and more popular neighborhoods, such as Lincoln Park or Lake View. So how do people find these cheap apartments in Chinatown? And is the rent the only thing that might draw a twenty-something renter to the neighborhood?

Renting in Chinatown and in love with the neighborhood? Or totally know where Tina is coming from? Click on “Comments” and let Yo know.

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