The Lynch-pin of Brininstool

BradLynch.jpgWe hear so much about the downtown modernist masterpieces of architectural team Brininstool + Lynch (R+D659, 550 St. Clair), that it was interesting to see another side to the company featured in the Go-To Architects story in the spring edition of Chicago magazine’s quarterly spin-off, HOME. The story talks about how Brad Lynch focuses his energy on designing two single-family homes a year, while his business partner David Brininstool is more involved with the larger residential developments. And clearly Lynch is no Andrew Ridgeley to Brininstool’s George Michael.(See Chicago mag photo by Christopher Barrett, courtesy of Hedrich Blessing). Lynch is apparently designing a home for a family whose daughter is going blind. The architect is filling the house with tactile materials for her to enjoy and also to help her find her way around. The girl is an excellent swimmer, so Lynch is designing her a pool. We think that’s architecture at its best.

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