Wicker Park week ends – time for you to take over the neighborhood

1500 block of North Damen Ave

It happens with all good things, you know, and since we stretched Wicker Park week into a fortnight, we can’t really complain that today marks its end. The neighborhood will still be there and so will YoWickerPark.com, and we hope that some of you will come aboard the Yo to write about Wicker Park. Some final Wicker Park thoughts…

Our exploration of Division Street heat left out the fact that there are a number of vacant storefronts lingering on the market along this Wicker Park strip.

We bashed the design of the strip mall that ruins the 1500 block of North Damen, though some defend it in comments.

And we reflect on some more pleasant streetscapes, of which there is no shortage in Wicker Park.

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