Is Avondale one of Chicago's "bad neighborhoods?"

Erica, Yo’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Irving Park, worries that her reflection on a recent epiphany might bring her dangerously close to a “Sex-and-the-City” voiceover, but we thought it was an interesting take on the subtle cues that can shape perceptions of city neighborhoods.

“Not long ago, my nephew was picked up by the police for curfew at Pulaski and Milwaukee — a part of, what, Avondale? Polish Villlage? I don’t know, but it’s very close to my house, so I tend to think of it as part of my neighborhood. Anyway, when the cops delivered him to my parents’ home, they told my mom that they found him in a “bad neighborhood” — about a mile from where they live. Now, I know that neighborhoods here change character at traffic lights, but still, it seemed odd to me that they would tell her that, knowing she lived so close by…” Read more at Yo’s Irving Park journal.

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