
Triangle Neighbors hears competing plans for Space Park

Space Park on Roscoe Street

Looks like there will be some green in Lake View’s future. The last time we posted about Lake View’s Space Park, 815 -817 W Roscoe St, the Triangle Neighbors Association was trying to raise $250,000 to buy a second lot for the proposed oasis in this dense urban neighborhood.

The group met its goal, raising a total of $1.28 million over three years to buy two lots for a 50-by-125-foot community-managed park, Jim Ludwig, president of Triangle Neighbors Association, said at a meeting last night.

We’re no experts on landscaping, so it’s hard to say which would be the better design for this space, but of the two landscape architects showing off their proposals last night, Clarence Davids & Company had the better visual presentation (big renderings help when you’re doing a dog and pony show like this).

Clarence Davids wants to create “continuity within the diversity” of foliage (of course, the language is flowery, they’re landscapers). The goal is to create a variety of gardens (dubbed “intimate, education, gathering and welcome”) that would inspire “creativity and conversation.” No word yet on exactly what sorts of plants the gardens would include, but the overall mix would be about 20 percent evergreens and 80 percent seasonal flowers. An arbor would provide a roofless shady recess.

Plans by Kemora Landscape Designs emphasized tiered walls and maximizing existing green space. The landscaped tiers would create “seat walls” on various levels and views would be directed away from the adjacent alley. A “dedication space” would be part of the scheme, placed in a visible spot.

The Triangle Neighbors Association, which covers the area bounded by Halsted, Clark and Addison streets, will decide on a design by mid-May and continues to hold fundraisers to raise money for management costs. The park is scheduled to open in late summer, though unofficially it’s kinda sorta open already.

Marisa Gora of Kemora Landscape Designs Jim Ludwig and John Becvar of Triangle Neighbors hold up design from Clarence Davids & Company

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