Ald. Burt Natarus' challenger accuses him of being "compromised" by donations from developers

In the South Loop, the aldermanic race is at least partly focused on the quality of residential construction, but what are the hot topics in the 42nd ward, which takes in the lively housing markets of Streeterville, the Loop and River North?

Candidate Brendan Reilly, a former aide to state House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), focuses on Natarus’ campaign contributions in a Chicago Sun-Times story today, charging that Natarus has accepted so many campaign contributions from real estate interests over the years that his objectivity has been “compromised,” leading the alderman to assess each new project in a vacuum without considering the project’s impact on the neighborhood. Reilly reportedly isn’t accepting campaign donations from developers.

Natarus didn’t speak to the Sun-Times for this story, but the paper quotes him as telling the WTTW-TV program, Chicago Tonight, that he has capped contributions from developers at $1,500 and notes that Reilly is no stranger to campaign contributions, having received a helping hand from the Service Employees International Union. Yo wants to hear from folks in the 42nd ward. We’ve heard that congestion is a hot issue in Streeterville but what are the other burning topics of debate? How do you rate Natarus’ performance on development issues?

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