Affordable options for empty nesters at Belle Plaine Commons

Suburban empty-nesters may be flying the coop in search of pricey in-towns that are just a short walk or Zimmerframe-amble from Michigan Avenue, but not every empty-nester is so cashed-up, and one new development is marketing itself to those who want to downsize their home, but not their 401(k).

Advertisements are starting to appear for Belle Plaine Commons, a new-construction condo development near Irving Park. A spruce-looking collection of glam seniors is toasting the good times over a glass or two of chardonnay under the slogan, “Your license says 55, your lifestyle says 45.”

For the empty nester who isn’t loaded, the ad points out that Belle Plaine Commons’ one-bedroom units start in the $160s, including parking, while similar condos closer to downtown will set you back about $250, plus parking.

In lieu of the theater, the lake and the shops, Belle Plaine Commons offers parklands, fountains and walking paths – and chardonnay.

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