Deal of the day: New incentives at Michigan Avenue Tower II

Michigan Avenue Tower IIIt’s a rare day when resident skeptic Joseph Askins is forced to eat his words around here, so I might as well serve it up while I can. I’d like to call to memory a certain “I’ll believe it when I see it” post regarding a “limited-time” free parking incentive at Russland Capital Development Group’s Michigan Avenue Tower II:

Don’t get me wrong – it’s entirely possible that Russland will start charging $37,500 per space starting this June, so buyers who like the 28-story high-rise at 1400 S Michigan Ave might want to take the plunge in the next couple of weeks. I’m just sayin’, don’t be surprised if Michigan Avenue Tower II rolls out some free parking spaces for its limited-time-only “summer incentive” sometime next month.

We’re almost two weeks into June, so I gave the Michigan Avenue Tower II sales center a call this morning and learned that the free parking incentive did indeed end with the month of May. (Joe seems less than repentant, sarcastically inviting me to hold him accountable for his “cruel presumptions.”)

Part of me can’t help but wonder if Joe’s post had something to do with the termination of that long-running free parking incentive. Either way, Russell’s June incentive is a “luxury upgrade package” that will include a marble upgrades in the master bathroom, ceramic tile upgrades in second bathrooms, 1-1/4″ granite counters, as well as cabinet and flooring upgrades.

The sales agent I spoke with estimated that buyers could save up to $13,000 on the bathrooms alone, and he thought the whole package could be worth more than $20,000. That’s not as much as the $37,500 that parking spaces are going for, but at least Russland is doing what it said it would.

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