Home staging moves way beyond common sense housekeeping

Here at Yo we’re always looking ahead and we can’t help but wonder what will happen when the frantic condo-buyers of today become the sluggish condo-sellers of tomorrow. With a saturated market come longer list times and a fiercer need to make your condo stand out. With that in mind, did anyone else catch this morning’s article on home staging in the New York Post? This isn’t just some East Coast trend, though. It also has a big following in Chicago.

Home staging, the art of making your home look as good as possible to quicken sales and get the best price, is quickly becoming a profession in its own right, with home stagings ranging from basic de-clutter and cleans to massive paint-and-refurnish jobs. The Post reports that Jill Vegas, a professional home stager, spends around $6,000 for a one-bedroom, and apparently is so successful at it that her average client ends up selling his or her home for a sum that is up to five percent higher than the asking price. Yo found plenty of Chicago-based home stagers eager to fluff our pillows and hide our taxidermy collection.

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