Sign of the times: South Loop starting to look like a neighborhood

grantbark.jpgHow do you know when an area that’s undergoing a housing boom has started to morph into a real live neighborhood? When you get your very own dog park. South Loopers have been grumbling for a while that, despite the hyperactive housing market, their ‘hood has been slow to take on the trappings of a real community. Shops, restaurants and the like are still taking their sweet time to move in, but at least residents now have Grant Bark Park, which opened in July, thanks to the dogged lobbying of groups like South Loop Dog P.A.C.

What else does the South Loop need? Yo’s truly wants South Loopers and inter-loopers to send us your wish lists. Are you jonesing for some more coffee houses, an all-night diner or perhaps a new alderman? Or can Madeline Haithcock stay?

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