Sleek balconies a space-saver for Uptown condos

4660 N Winthrop Ave

Sure, some might consider us a bit balcony-obsessed at the moment, but this weather would have anyone living sans air conditioner dreaming of outdoor breezes. Given our current heat-frazzled state, we couldn’t help but admire these balconies at 4660 N Winthrop Ave. The rounded facade eliminates the need to tack iron or wood onto the front of the building and instead allows for roomy, sleek balconies that don’t look crowded, despite their close proximity. The curve of the building also makes for a less abrupt, rounded corner, so that even side balconies have good views of the action. Pricing for these two-bedroom two-bathroom units ranges from the $310s to the $360s.

If you know of a balcony we should covet, click on “Comments” and drop us a line.

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