Some South Loopers like their nabe quiet and don't want it to become "sceney" like the Gold Coast

We always hear South Loopers kvetching that they don’t have enough restaurants and bars in their fast-developing neighborhood. Yo’s truly was rambling around talking to locals in those parts at the weekend, and do you know what the most common refrain was?

About four different South Loopers told us that the reason they liked their neighborhood so much was that it had an urban feel, but was more laidback and not as “sceney” as the Gold Coast. They were likeable folk and probably understood the contradiction between wanting more bars and restaurants, but also wanting their neighborhood to remain quiet.

One woman, who lives in a loft development in Printers Row, said that she really liked Hackney’s Printers Row because it felt like a neighborhood bar and she could always find a seat. She said she was conflicted about all the new development going on and the effect it would have on densities in the neighborhood. Anyone else similarly conflicted?

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