Tag: 60622

New construction roundup: West Town condos, Part 2
Here are four more sites of new-construction condos in the West Town community area. (See yesterday's roundup here.)
1414 W Grand Ave: Unit 3, a thr [...]

Schools and home prices in Wicker Park
During our brief walk down Division Street earlier this month, Eric Rojas and I stopped a couple times, once near Moonshine at Division and Marion a [...]

New construction roundup: West Town condos, Part 1
These four condos are some of the newest you'll find in the West Town community area. Check back tomorrow morning for listing from four more West T [...]

Hockey homes: Ex-Hawks have condos for sale and for rent
Cristobal Huet will be tending goal in Europe this season, so he doesn't have much use for his 4,700 square-foot condo at Millennium Centre (right), 3 [...]

The nearly news: 2,500 square feet in River West for $70,900 below '07 sale price
Tucked away amidst the lofts and concrete condos of "Bergerville" (that pocket of River North immediately south of Chicago Avenue and west of Halsted [...]

The two-bedroom bell-curve in 60622
Two-bedroom condos are the most common types of homes on the market in 60622 (the ZIP for Wicker Park, the East Village, East Humboldt Park, and the [...]

Domain1700 plan calls for six new single-families on Paulina, Hermitage in Bucktown
This spring I mentioned Ranquist Development's plan to convert the old Sisters of the Resurrection convent at 1849 N Hermitage Ave in Bucktown in [...]

A seven-year-old single-family priced like a worker's cottage in Wicker Park
The median price for a four-bedroom single-family home in Wicker Park is just under $1.15 million. That amount, and slightly less, will get you a newe [...]

The daily news: "Elegant" single-family short sale in Bucktown relisted at $2.1 million
Today's new listing comes to us straight outta south central Bucktown. This 4,758 square-foot single-family home went up a couple year ago on a double [...]

Do Division, and some open houses, too
Wicker Park and Ukie Village kids don't get up early unless they have to, so don't expect the Do-Division Street Fest and Sidewalk Sale to really ge [...]

From sandboxes to treehouses: Ranquist Development's latest endeavor in Bucktown
If the new banner ads on Division Street's benches are any indication, Ranquist Development is ready to get the word out about its newest condo proj [...]

What we know: SoNo
Google tells me that a lot of people come to Yo searching for info on SoNo. Smithfield's 27-story tower, located at 860 W Blackhawk St on the Near Nor [...]

Rental review: homes listed in 60622
Every Friday we record the number of condos, townhomes, and single-families listed for rent in 14 Chicago ZIP codes. This week I thought I'd give on [...]

Bucktown see-throughs and short sales
The final video from Joe's Bucktown tour with Realtor Greg Viti focuses on some of the neighborhoods less fortunate developments, places that got of [...]

More Bucktown barnstorming with Greg Viti
This segment from Joe's Bucktown tour with Realtor Greg Viti touches on a variety of topics related to residential and commercial real estate, from [...]

Teardowns, empty lots, and opportunities in Bucktown
This segment of Joe's Bucktown tour with Realtor Greg Viti starts with a look at some empty lots and potential teardowns that would be sites of new [...]

Bucktown highs and lows
In this segment from their Bucktown tour, Joe Zekas and Realtor Greg Viti check out the variety of homes available in the neighborhood, from new sin [...]

The perks of buying early: a $220K cottage surrounded by million-dollar homes
Nothing demonstrates Bucktown's evolution quite like a drive up North Wolcott Avenue. Joe Zekas and Realtor Greg Viti were checking out a home in Wo [...]
Rental snapshot: $1,000 condos in Bucktown, Wicker Park, and Ukie Village
Here's a real-life scenario I encountered this morning. A friend of mine is looking for an apartment for the first time in a couple of years, and she [...]

Investors' evolving objectives in Bucktown
Buyers of multi-unit buildings in Bucktown have "dropped out of the game" as developers and have "put on their investment hats," says Koenig & Strey [...]