Joewalking the Calumet / Giles / Prairie District

In the latest “Joewalking” installation, Joe and I headed down to The Gap to view the historic Calumet / Giles / Prairie District, which is located on the 3100 to 3500 blocks of Calumet, Giles and Prairie avenues. The area is characterized by beautiful old brick and graystone rowhomes that date back to the late 19th century, including a couple of Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan gems.

In this first video, we take a stroll down Calumet Avenue, beginning at Wright’s Roloson Houses, which are located at 3213 – 3219 S Calumet Ave. In the next video, we’ll take a look at Landmark Square, the only active new-construction development in the Calumet / Giles / Prairie District.

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