Tag: Bedbugs

Supplementing the Trib’s apartment hunting tips
Today's Chicago Tribune has an informative article about apartment-hunting strategies in what's currently a landlord's market. It's generally good [...]

Thirty or more bedbugs wanted
Help wanted ads for the apartment rental industry – the folks we refer to as bedbugs and place on a do-not-call list – routinely tout high-paying [...]

Chicago’s best apartment rental website
There's no single website that's best for Chicago apartment searches of all types.
There is, however, one that stands out if you're limiting y [...]

Yelp reviews that reek – My Town Realty Group edition
You're all probably highly aware of this phenomenon by now, but a reminder never hurts.
When you're looking at reviews of apartment rental services [...]

Trader Bill’s experience renting with David Nadler
I've frequently cautioned renters about the pitfalls of working with the rental services that I call bedbugs based on their toxic behavior toward [...]

River West’s Mondial offers free rent and parking, 125% commission to bedbugs
Waterton Residential is stepping up the incentive offerings at Mondial in River West after reaching more than 80% occupancy since it began its rental [...]

Chicago Apartment Seekers attracts vitriolic comments
Chicago Apartment Seekers, one of the rental services that we call bedbugs and place on a do-not-call list, runs fictitious addresses in a number [...]

Is RentJuice enabling fraud by unlicensed brokers?
We've previously wondered about Exchange Apartment Finders (EAF), which appeared to be doing business as a real estate broker / apartment finder w [...]

Are landlords eliminating the rental service bedbugs?
I've recently spoken to landlords who have either cut back on their use of the apartment rental services that we call bedbugs, eliminated them ent [...]

This Homestead Group leasing agent has a criminal record
You never know who you're getting in the car with when you work with one of the apartment rental services that we call bedbugs. A number of the re [...]

Rent Smart, lie dumb
We've written about Rent Smart Chicago several times – calling attention to its owner's criminal record and its claim to be “Chicago’s largest and [...]

If you’re a felonious stripper, call Crazy Steve
If you're not, stay far, far away.
The Craigslist ad you see pictured above does not, as Illinois law requires, disclose the name of the broke [...]

Trulia rental scam watch and American Realty Pros
We recently wrote about Trulia's doomed efforts to cut back on apartment rental scams in its listings.
The scams continue, as they always will [...]

Trulia applies a Band-Aid to rental fraud problem; YoChicago offers a solution
A recent post at TruliaBlog boasted that:
As online rentals fraud is becoming an industry-wide problem, Trulia is committed to keeping our rent [...]

An amusing location for a bedbug billboard
Don't let the bedbugs bite, says the ProtectABed.com billboard at Roosevelt Rd and Clinton St.
When YoChicago talks about bedbugs we're generally [...]

Earn $100K renting apartments
Six-figure earning potential. No experience required. Great support, training, technology and career-oriented services available from a leading co [...]

The biggest apartment search mistakes – Number 4, ignoring warning signs
The biggest mistake apartment searchers make is failing to focus on a small number of ideal and affordable neighborhoods. The second biggest mista [...]

The biggest apartment search mistakes – Number 3, the online search
The biggest mistake apartment searchers make is failing to focus on a small number of ideal and affordable neighborhoods. The second biggest mista [...]

How unlicensed agents work the system and how to avoid them
The following is an excerpt from an e-mail exchange forwarded to me last night. I've removed identifying information:
Ok, it will show up as [n [...]

RentJuice automates Facebook spam for rental bedbugs
Today's e-mail brings the following news release from RentJuice
RentJuice, the online platform developed by real estate insiders that connec [...]