Condo developer auctions old Stars Motel sign on eBay


The old low-rise motels along Lincoln Avenue are toppling like so many dominoes as the city tries to reinvigorate a stretch of Lincoln Avenue that, pre-Edens Expressway, was a major hub, but in recent times has been plagued by gangs and hookers. The latest to fall is the Stars Motel, which will be demolished toward the end of summer to make way for The Village Center, a five-story 40-unit condo development (more on that shortly).

Developer S & S Home Builders is auctioning the Stars’ distinctive neon signs over at eBay (click for link to Stars auction page). The signs have a storied place in urban history; one featured on the album cover of Chicago band The Gelheads.

The largest metal sign is a hefty 15×10-feet, and the buyer must dismantle it and transport it home, so that may explain why there haven’t been any takers so far, but surely someone out there in the Yo-niverse can provide a happy home for it.

And in case you’re wondering – it’s not too late to book a room at the Stars. The motel is staying open until the developer closes on the property later this summer.

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