The smart way to find a River North apartment

A search for River North apartments on Craigslist will return about 1,000 new ads each day, almost all of them from Chicago rental services. Many of the ads will be for properties not located in River North. Almost all of the ads for actual River North properties will be for one of the 14 high-rise apartment buildings in the neighborhood. Only a very few of those ads will contain accurate information about availability and price. Searches at Trulia, Zillow and other websites will yield similar results, i.e. no useful results.

We think that’s the stupid way to search for a River North apartment. The smart way is to start with our comprehensive at-a-glance list of River North apartment buildings. The list has links to our objective apartment reviews, and the reviews link to the building websites. The list also has links to near real-time price and availability checks at 11 of the 14 buildings, and video tours of a number of the buildings. We’ve also spotlighted the best buildings in River North on eighteen different criteria.

You can search MLS-listed condos and townhomes for rent in River North at reputable broker sites by searching ZIP Codes 60654 and 60611 or the Near North Side community area. The Koenig Rubloff site displays results in a list view and a map view. Click Search Homes on the menu and select Rental Search. Skip any listing that doesn’t include an exact address.

Note: Koenig Rubloff is an advertising client of YoChicago’s parent firm.

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